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Company Overview: Trisotech offers highly intuitive and visual software tools that help organizations improve, innovate and transform their operations. We bring strategies, design and technology together to provide insight for business and IT in the digital enterprise age. Trisotech is a global leader in digital enterprise solutions, with its innovative and easy-to-use software suite that allows customers to discover, model, analyze and find insights into their digital enterprise. Our customers use The Digital Enterprise Suite to provide new and revolutionary ways for their knowledge workers to collaborate and succeed in an increasingly global, connected and competitive world.
Product Category : Application Development, BPMN, BPO, Business Processes, Compliance, CRM, Enterprise, ERP, ERP Software, Integration, IT, Modeling Centric, SOA, Webservices
Product/Service Description: Discover and optimize how your business really works by capturing goals, responsibilities, activities and decisions as the pathway to innovation and improvement The Digital Enterprise Suite is a highly visual and interactive software suite that enables organizations to innovate, transform and improve their business. It brings strategy, design and technology together providing your organization with insight for gaining competitive advantage. More than just modeling, the Digital Enterprise Suite ensures you achieve your desired business outcomes. The Digital Enterprise Suite provides an intelligent fabric that empowers organizational analysis and decisions via visualization from business discovery through to transformation, innovation and improvement.
Sales Contact: George Barlow
Sales Contact Email: [email protected]
Sales Contact Phone: (514) 990-6639
OMG Member: Yes
OMG Membership Level: Influencing






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